Bullying, harassment and discrimination Your organisation has a work health and safety responsibility to ensure not only the physical health of your volunteer workers but also their mental [...]
A GEELONG man will today give evidence at a Federal Government inquiry into workplace bullying and call for mandatory reporting to WorkSafe. The Standing Committee on Education and Employment [...]
It is time to speak out. That was the message from Maitland MP Robyn Parker – an avid anti-bullying supporter – when she distributed leaflets to families at Maitland Park yesterday.
One year on from the introduction of Brodie’s Law, Attorney-General Robert Clark has today launched a campaign urging Victorians to take a stand against bullying.
WORKPLACE bullying will probably increase as economic conditions worsen, putting companies and staff under intense pressure, a federal inquiry has heard. Testifying at the Perth hearing of the [...]
THE parents of workplace bullying victim Brodie Panlock say education and prevention measures are needed so nobody else should ever face a similar experience. Herald Sun Digital Pass
The CSIRO has been accused of misleading a Senate Estimates Committee over its handling of a bullying claim by a scientist, according to a letter former CSIRO scientists obtained under freedom of [...]